The Aga Khan School, Osh

German Language Diploma Examinations held at Aga Khan School, Osh

07 April 2017

Every March, students of the German Department at Aga Khan School (AKS) are excited and nervous to sit the Deutsches Sprachdiplom der Kultusministerkonferenz (DSD) examinations for the German Language Certification.

The DSD is an internationally recognized language standardization test and AKS is one of over 1000 schools globally in which German as a foreign language is taught in-depth and which is supported by the Central Agency for German Schools Abroad (ZfA).  

This year, 9 AKS students participated in the examination which includes reading comprehension, listening comprehension and written communication. All students successfully passed the examinations. 

Since 2008, German as a second language has been integrated into the curriculum through the partnership between AKES, Kyrgyz Republic and the German Embassy in Bishkek. The German Embassy offered to provide German language subject teachers, professional development training and support for the preparation of students to pass DSD exams. The partnership with the German Embassy has given opportunities for our graduates to be admitted to German Universities and colleges, as well as employment following the completion of their undergraduate degrees in Germany.

The Aga Khan School in Osh currently provides over 500 students with quality learning experiences in an environment which values diversity and responds creatively to the educational needs of children.